
events held under various verticals of Niche foundation

Rishton Ka Manja: a report

Authors: Arya Swami, (Bangalore, INDIA); Simran Puthawala (Ahmedabad, INDIA), Shagun Singh (Patna, INDIA), Anett Maritim ( Nairobi, KENYA) The phrase ‘Rishton ka Manja’ refers to the fluidity of human relationships and the human mind, much like the agility of the ‘manja’, which is not just any ordinary rope or thread, but a paradoxically sturdy yet

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Saksham Mini

Attended by 45 participants  Collaboration: Sanvedana, support group for People with Epilepsy headed by Mrs. Yashoda Wakankar Sanvedana is a special support group for People with Epilepsy. They run a unique initiative of a marriage bureau for people with epilepsy and with other invisible disorders. As a part of their annual meeting of prospective brides

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