Providing services for Emotional Wellness.
To provide services for Emotional Wellness.
Upcoming Services

Counseling and coaching
Sensitisation and awareness of Emotional Wellness skills and refinement of Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills

CareGivers Support Group
Support system for CareGivers of patients with chronic and progressive neuropsychiatric disorders. Offline and Online programs, discussions and trainings.

Training the Caretaker
online lessons for
self paced learning based on
the 10 life skills recommended by (WHO) for Emotional Wellness

Home Healthcare Services
Sensitisation and awareness of Emotional Wellness skills and refinement of Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills

Neuro-Rehab Services
Sensitisation and awareness of Emotional Wellness skills and refinement of Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills

Group Therapy
Counselling and course correction of groups of individuals in similar situations. Create peer support systems.

Group Therapy
Individuals in similar situations can benefit from sessions conducted in groups. They learn from each other as well as the trainer. Empathy about each other and an insight. in their own problems takes them on an introspective journey and helps in problem solving with creative and critical solutions.
Care Givers Health : Support Group
We’re here to look after the Emotional Wellness caregivers. Caregivers are people usually relatives who look after themselves and patients with long term illnessesThe Support Group makes the caregiver and the patient feel emotionally strength, support, and empowers caregivers.We do this through meetings with exchange of thoughts and ideas, open mic sessions, and online lectures, discussions and training workshops that help you get better at handling your emotions. It’s all about helping everyone involved feel better and more capable.
Other Services
Services Provided
- Counseling and coaching
- Training the Caretaker
- Home Healthcare Services
- Neuro-Rehab Services
- Palliative Care Services
Upcoming Projects
- Counselling and Coaching Services : Team Mentorship Program
- Earn and Learn Cafe (Saksham)
- Neurorehabilitation and Neuropalliation services
- Mentorship Program
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