What inspired me to work with NICHE Advocacy Foundation?


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Author: Simran Puthawala, Ahmedabad, INDIA

I came to know about NICHE Advocacy Foundation through my college mentor, when I was looking for work that would help others in different ways through an NGO. As I am interested in such kind of work, I attended the QnA session, after which I was curious to know more about what NICHE Advocacy Foundation actually works towards.

I joined NICHE Advocacy Foundation, where I was introduced to a new concept named Emotional Fitness. Everyone focuses on physical fitness but has anyone ever noticed that your emotional fitness is just as important as your physical fitness?

The internship has just started, the seeds are just sown, this is the platform where we can stay connected despite social distancing. This is life, and what actually matters is you and your attitude. I have followed 2 principles in life, they are ‘to let go’ and ‘to compromise’, but during the induction I changed one of them. Instead of compromise one can adapt and accept. Being able to pick up a new skill quickly is an asset in today’s workplace, but our typical learning habits aren’t always speedy enough. By breaking your goal down into pieces, you can actually speed up your learning time and learning habits as well. It’s important to stay inspired whether your goal is to learn something new or share your ideas with your team. Find inspiration that can help you stay motivated during your internship. I am sure that we will get to learn a lot of new concepts and lessons during this internship period through various events conducted by NICHE Advocacy Foundation.

So let’s begin this journey and find something that we are passionate about!

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